Absorption corrections were applied with the program SADABS 33.
The intensity data were collected using graphite monochromated Mo-K radiation ( 0.71073 Å). Kappa Apex II Duo It is equipped with Bruker’s latest 4-circle goniometer which combines the gold-standard high precision D8 base with the most versatile Kappa stage available, the most sensitive Apex II CCD detector for crystallography, and the unique combination of a low powered Cu IµS microfocus source plus standard sealed tube Mo X-ray. Diffractometer is equipped with crystal growth device (OHCD III) that allows to grow crystals in capillary using automated laser. Bruker APEX-II CCD area-detector diffractometer. Instrument is equipped with a Moly rotating anode source and a Photon III detector as well as an Oxford Cryosystems Cryostream for variable temperature data collection from 90-500 K. NMHU X-ray Diffraction Laboratory is equipped with Bruker X-ray diffractometer SMART APEX II with CCD detector and low-temperature device that allows collect experimental data at 100K. 1.12 mm 1 T 100 K 0.18 0.13 0. Instrument is equipped with a Gallium MetalJet source and a Photon III detector as well as an Oxford Cryosystems Cryostream for variable temperature data collection from 90-500 K. High voltage generator, X-ray Molibdenum tube, primary graphite monocromator, goniometer stand with 3 axis, goniometer head for sample mounting, microscope for alignment of the sample and CCD detector.
It is equipped with a Copper MicroMax 003f X-ray generator and PILATUS R200K Hybrid Pixel Array Detector as well as an Oxford Cryosystems Cobra for variable temperature data collection from 90-400 K.īruker D8 Venture Diffractometer-Ga MetalJet Oxford Cryosystem, Low Temperature Device (liquid nitrogen) Main Characteristics. APEX21 BRUKER-AXS APEX-II CCD 3-thircle X-ray Diffractometer.
The latest CPAD technology significantly enhances performance beyond the capabilities of the previous APEX II CCD detector.
Instrument is currently located on the BioSide of campus. Molybdemum source Photon II detector (room 027 Teaque) POWDER-SA: UP: RT: Bragg-Brentano : Theta/2Theta : Lynxeye Detector. Upgrading with Bruker’s new PHOTON II detector can modernise your diffractometer and dramatically enhance its performance. 2015, C71, 3.Dual source instrument equipped with a TRIUMPH monochromated Moly sealed tube and a Copper IµS. System features a Kappa goniometer and a Photon II detector as well as an Oxford Cryosystems Cryostream for variable temperature data collection from 90-400 K. .with Integrity Bruker AXS SMART APEX II KAPPA APEX II APEX DUO 26 2013.